Today is the Solemnity of Our Lady of Lourdes - Mama Mary Pray for Us...
National Shrine of Our Lady of Lourdes - Grand Procession in honor of the Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes and Holy Masses.
Image of Our Lady of Lourdes |
Start of the Grand Procession. |
Our Lady of Lourdes is a title of the Blessed Virgin Mary invoked by Roman Catholics in honor of the Marian apparitions said to have occurred on numerous occasions in 1858 in the vicinity of Lourdes, France. The first of these is the apparition of 11 February 1858, when Saint Bernadette Soubirous, a 14-year-old peasant girl, admitted to her mother that a "lady" spoke to her in the cave of Massabielle (a mile from the town) while she was gathering firewood with her sister and a friend.[1] Similar appearances of the "lady" were reported on seventeen further occasions that year.
Bernadette Soubirous was later canonized as a Saint, and Roman Catholics and some Protestants believe her apparitions have been validated by the overwhelming popularity and testament of healings claimed to have taken place at the Lourdes water spring.
In 1862, Pope Pius IX authorized Bishop Bertrand-Sévère Laurence to permit the veneration of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Lourdes. This Marian title, Our Lady of Lourdes, has been widely copied and reproduced, often displayed in shrines or homes, most notably in garden landscapes.
Inside the Shrine during the evening mass.
Gospel reading by mass presider Rev. Fr. Leny Escalada. |
Parish of the Last Supper of Our Lord (PLSOL)
Manila Times Village, Las Pinas City.
9:00AM Healing Mass on the Solemnity of Our Lady of Lourdes.
February 11 was proclaimed World Day of the Sick by Pope John Paul II. Therefore, it would be appropriate to celebrate the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick on this day during a Mass or Liturgy of the Word. (The Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick is only to be given to "those of the faithful whose health is seriously impaired by sickness or old age", Roman Ritual. This Sacrament must not be given indiscriminately to all who take part in Masses for the sick.) >Excerpted from CatholicCulture.Org
Healing Mass at the Parish of the Last Supper of Our Lord (PLSOL)
Celebrant was Rev. Fr. Jesus "Jesse" Diaz, OSM.
February 11, 2014. |
Prayer to Our Lady of Lourdes for the Sick
O powerful Virgin of Lourdes, full of affliction and with tears in our eyes, we fly unto you, Comforter of the afflicted and health of the sick. Placing in you all our confidence, cognizant of the innumerable and wonderful cures made by you not only in Lourdes but all over the world, we humbly prostrate before you in this dreadful hour of distress and sickness and beseech you with all the fervor, faith and devotion of our souls to hear the supplication which we direct to you in favor of this our beloved patient (mention the name)
Since you have worked so many cures among your devotees, do make one more and save this beloved member of our family. Take him (her) from all danger if it will not be an obstacle to his (her) salvation and we solemnly promise you to spend the rest of our lives as good and practical Catholics in thanksgiving for your powerful patronage.
Virgin of Lourdes, pray for us (Hail Mary)
Comforter of the afflicted, pray for us (Hail Mary)
Health of the sick, pray for us (Hail Mary)
Hail, Holy Queen…