The Parish of the Last Supper of Our Lord (PLSOL) held it's regular monthly symposium, Saturday, July 20, 2013. Resource person was Rev. Fr. Rolly Agustin, parish priest of the Cathedral Parish of St. Andrew. He talked about "Eucharist and Faith on Family". Almost a hundred parish workers attended and found the topic very enlightening.
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Opening prayer by bro. Amor Firme and Introduction of the speaker by bro. Jojo Pabalan (above left and center photos respectively). |
On Family - "The Future of humanity passes by way of the family" -Familiaris Consortio
The family is meant by God to be the first school of discipleship where the parents are the first catechists of their children, and where all the members mutually evangelize each other.
Fathers must see themselves as more than material providers.
-In their headship of the Family they image Christ who loves the church with a faithful love and sacrificed himself to make her holy.
-The father, together with the mother, they become the first catechists of the children.
-Through his words, but especially through his honest dedication to his work, he set an evangelizing example to the wife and children and also evangelize others beyond the family circle.
The wife is the heart of the home.
-With the father, she sets the spiritual tone of the family. More than the father, she is in charge of rearing up the children.
-She plays a decisive role in the growth of the children to maturity as persons and as Christians.
-Her love and compassion, strength of character and patience influence the children long beyond their childhood years.
Young people and children are truly the present and future of the church.
As they grow in the maturity of Christ, they must increasingly assume responsibility in the task of Evangelizing which they share with their elders by right of Baptism.
Families nourished by the word of God, strengthened by prayers and the sacraments will nurture Filipino and Christian values, protect their own members from problems and negative influences.
The future of humankind passes through family. So does, the future of the Church.
Bullet points as presented in the video: "A walk through the Mass"
During the Mass, we have many ritual actions which we perform without asking why.
What is the Mass?
-The Eucharistic celebration is "the center of the Christian Community."
-The source and summit of Christian life.
-The heart and faith of our life.
-Christ offers Himself for us, as He offered Himself on the cross.
-In each Mass, Christ is really present and renews the Sacrifice of the cross.
"A memorial of Christ's death and resurrection: a sacrament of love, a sign of unity, a bond of charity, (Constitution on Sacred Liturgy, #4)
-The basic "shape" of the ritual of the Mass can be described as a meal
-We will see ritual acts of
1. gathering,
2. storytelling,
3. meal sharing and
4. commissioning.
-Coming together, assembling, is at the heart of our Sunday worship.
-The purpose of these rites is to bring us together into one body, ready to listen and to break bread together.
-We all like to be greeted and welcomed when we gather for a celebration.
-This ritual is a reminder of our Baptism.
-We were baptized with water and signed with cross.
-At every Mass we renew our promises to die to sin.
-It is Baptism that brings us to Church.
-In medieval Europe, it was a custom to go down on one knee (to genuflect) before a king or person of rank.
-We kneel to honor the altar and the presence of Christ in the tabernacle before entering the pew.
-When the Mass begins everyone stands up.
-It expresses our attentiveness to the word of God and our readiness to carry it out.
-We begin by singing together.
-We unite our thoughts and our voices in common word, rhythm and melody.
-The priest will ask us to begin with the sign of the cross and will greet us saying, "The Lord be with you."
-It is a wish (may the Lord be with you).
-And a profound statement of faith.
-The ritual response is "and also with you," by which we return the hello, the good wishes, the statement of faith.
-We pose and recall our common need for salvation.
-Sometimes the hymn "Glory to God in the Highest" is sung or recited at this point.
-The priest will ask us to join our minds in prayer.
-After a few moments of silence he will collect our intentions into one prayer.
-We all respond "Amen,"
-Lithurgy of the Word
-Three reading and a Psalm
-Standing for the Gospel
-General Intercessions
-The Word of God are proclaimed.
-They are the stories of God's people.
-The 1st reading will be from the Hebrew Scriptures.
-We recall the origins of our covenant.
-A background and an insight into the meaning of what Jesus will do in the Gospel.
-Then we will sing or recite a psalm - a song from God's own inspired hymnal, the Book of Psalms of the Hebrew Bible.
-The second reading usually taken from one of the letters of Paul or another apostolic writing.
-The third reading will be taken from one of the four Gospels.
-We stand in attentive reverence to hear the Word of God.
-Christ "is present in His word, since it is He Himself who speaks when the Holy Scriptures are read in the church" (Constitution on the Sacred Lithurgy, #7)
-The priest will again greet us with "The Lord be with you"
-Introduces the Gospel reading
-Mark a small cross on his forehead, lips and heart with his thumb.
-We respond, "Praise to You, Lord Jesus Christ,"
-It is an act of worship rooted in the texts of the Mass and from Scripture which have just been proclaimed.
-The homily takes that word and brings it to our situation today.
-It is a statement of our faith in the word we have heard proclaimed in the scipture and the homily.
Lead us to give our lives for one another as Christ gave His life for us.
-The General Intercessions help us become who God is calling us to be.
-We are the Body of Christ by Baptism.
We pray that our assembly really comes to look like the Body of Christ.
The order of the general intercessions:
1. For The Church
2. For the nation and its leader
3. People in special need
4. Local needs of our parish.
We pray for our own intentions. Lord hear our Prayer.
1. Set the table Preparation of the Gifts
2. Say grace The Eucharistic Prayer
3.Share the food The Communion Rite
(we eat and drink)
-Offertory - bread and wine is brought to the altar.
-Members of the parish will take up a collection from the assembly
-The priest places the bread and wine on the table.
-Mixes water with the wine and washes his hands to help us think of the Last Supper.
-Finally, he invites us to pray that the sacrifice be acceptable to God.
-We respond "Amen" to the Prayer Over the Gifts.
-Stand to participate in the central prayer of the Mass.
-The very center of the Mass.
-The heart of our faith.
1. We call upon God to remember all the wonderful saving deeds of our history.
2. We recall the central event in our history, We recall his passion, death and resurrection.
3. We petition God to continue thos deeds of Christ in the present: We pray that we may become one body, one spirit in Christ.
-The priest greets us with "The Lord be with you".
-He then asks if we are ready and willing to approach the table and to renew our baptismal commitment, offering ourselves to God. "Lift up your hearts"
-And we say that we are prepared to do so: "We lift them up to the Lord"
-We respond: "It is right to give him thanks and praise." -translates the traditional Greek verb which now names the whole action: Eucharist
-Preface - a prayer which prepares us to come before the face of God.
-It speaks of how wonderful God has been to us.
-Acclamation - "Holy, holy, holy Lord, God of power and might, heaven and earth are full of your glory."
-The priest continues the prayer, calling upon the Holy Spirit to change our gifts of bread and wine into the Body and Blood of Christ.
Recalls the events of the Last Supper - the institution if the Eucharist.
-We proclaim the mystery of faith
-"Christ has died, Christ has risen, Christ will come again."
"May all of us who share in the body and blood of Christ be brought together in unity by the Holy Spirit" (Eucharist Prayer II)
-We add prayers for the Bishops of Rome and the bishop of the local church;
-We pray for the living and the dead and especially for ourselves.
-That through the intercession of the saints we may one day arrive at the table in heaven.
-We look forward to that glorious day and raise our voices with those of all the saints who have gone before us.
-Offers a toast.
-Offers a Doxology - "Through him, with him and in him, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, all glory and honor is Yours, almighty Father, for ever and ever."
-Our "Amen" to this prayer acclaims our assent and participation in the entire Eucharistic prayer.
-Our Father and Sign of Peace
-Invitation to Communion
-We pray the "Our Father"
-We offer the sign of peace
-"This is the Lamb of God... Happy are those who are called to his supper"
-"The Body of Christ", Amen
-"The Blood of Christ", Amen
-The Lord be with you...
-Announcement of important activities coming up in the parish.
-Father, son, and Holy Spirit...
-Signing of the cross
-"Go in peace..." and we give our lithurgical "yes" by saying, Thanks be to God."
Living the Eucharist In The World